Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Congestion Charge

Time is running out to put your points of view to the powers that be. It's important that everyone has their say - though sometimes it seems pointless as sometime these things are already cut and dried!! I, personally, am hoping that all the infrastructure and the promised improvement in buses, trains etc. will be in place before the due date.

I am wondering what happens if it is not and who pays the government back for the advance of money to help complete it? Would we then have a partial improvement? The Regent Road area has been lacking a comprehensive bus service for a long time. There has been a history of buses not turning up and people waiting for over an hour in the past. It is hard to make arrangements for appointments, or to get to work on time, and causes great anxiety, and maybe lost opportunities or broken appointments.

Only time will tell if the promises are kept.

Sylvia Sharples
Community Reporter

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